Be the first to know when books by Terry Modica are published (paperback and ebooks). You'll also receive news of exciting developments and opportunities to interact with her and other readers on the themes of her books.
The Good News Sunday Reflections for CHURCH BULLETINS, for next month, are emailed on the 15th of each month. They are delivered in a Word document, ready to copy and paste into your bulletin. Though free of charge, a donation to support this ministry is needed. Suggested donation is $195 for lifetime access. Please make your parish donation at
Daily prayers for and quotes by Saints who are heroic examples of how we are called to live in today's crazy and scary world.
Making the scriptures meaningful for your everyday life: Receive reflections on the daily readings from the Roman Catholic Mass, Sunday-Friday. THIS IS FOR ZONE 1: THE NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICAN CONTINENTS.
See today's reflection on our home page:
Making the scriptures meaningful for your everyday life: Receive reflections on the daily readings from the Roman Catholic Mass, Sunday-Friday. THIS IS FOR ZONE 2: THE EUROPEAN CONTINENT, AFRICA, & HOMILY PREPARATION IN THE AMERICAN ZONE.
See today's reflection on our home page:
Making the scriptures meaningful for your everyday life: Receive reflections on the daily readings from the Roman Catholic Mass, Sunday-Friday. THIS IS FOR ZONE 3: SINGAPORE, INDIA, PHILIPPINES, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, etc.
See today's reflection on our home page:
Receive only the Sunday edition of the Good News Daily Reflections, delivered to you at the beginning of each week -- A FULL WEEK IN ADVANCE of their use at Mass. Sunday's reflection on the scriptures includes questions for private ponderings and small group discussions, to help you prepare for the NEXT Sunday's Mass.
Get notified when new events are planned or content is added to any of Good News Ministries' websites and blogs. Find out what's happening behind the scenes and be inspired. Emailed once a week on Thursdays.
Recibe una notificación cuando se planifiquen nuevos eventos o cuando se agregue nuevo contenido al sitio web de Buenas Nuevas Católicas. Descubre e inspírate en lo que está sucediendo detrás de escena. Enviado por correo una vez por semana los jueves.
Monthly Giving - Your financial help keeps this ministry going and growing. If we have made a difference, bringing you into greater healing or insight or a better relationship with God and the Church, and if God has provided you with something to share, please become a Good News Partner. Good News Ministries of Tampa Bay is a non-profit (IRS 501C3) organization in the United States of America. U.S. donations are fully deductible for federal tax purposes, under section 170 of the 'Internal Revenue Code'. By joining this Donors mailing list, you will receive a monthly reminder by email.
Be part of the Good News Prayer Network! Minister to others by praying for their needs, and support Good News Ministries with your prayers. Prayer requests will be emailed to you.
Sanación para tu alma - Crecimiento de tu fe: Recibe las reflexiones sobre las lecturas diarias de la Misa Católica Romana de domingo a viernes. ESTO ES PARA LA VERSION EN ESPAÑOL.
We provide your church bulletin with inspirational quotes by Saints to coincide with the Feast Days of the week. Each month we will email you a reminder with a link to download the following month's weekly quotations. This service is free and uses quotes obtained from the Daily Blessings, another one of our free e-list services.
Oraciones diarias y citas de Santos que son ejemplos heroicos de cómo estamos llamados a vivir en el mundo loco y aterrador de hoy.