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Turn Your Crosses into Resurrections

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What crosses are you carrying? Where is this hardship taking you spiritually? Maybe it feels like you're alone. Maybe Jesus doesn't seem to be carrying any of your burdens. Maybe you think that the reason you suffer is because he doesn't care about you.

You are invited to meet Jesus and his strong, compassionate arms lightening your burdens. Take our video workshop entitled, Turn Your Crosses Into Resurrections. Through a daily series of short videos, you will not only feel Jesus ministering to you. You will learn how to turn tragedies into triumphs, grief into joy, and the deaths of your hopes and dreams into resurrections -- just in time for Easter Sunday!

The daily email program begins March 28th and ends on Good Friday.

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Archived Messages

You're invited to receive help in carrying your crosses

March 7th 2023 EDT

Dear Friend,What crosses are you carrying?Where is this hardship taking you spiritually?Maybe it feels like you're alone. Maybe Jesus doesn't seem to be carrying any of your burdens. Maybe you think that the reason you suffer is because he doesn't care about you.You are invited to meet Jesus and his strong, compassionate arms lightening your burdens. Take our video workshop entitled, Turn Your Crosses Into Resurrections. Through a daily series of short videos, you will not only feel Jesus ministering to you. You wi ...Continue Reading

You're invited to receive help in carrying your crosses

March 13th 2023 EDT

Dear Friend,What crosses are you carrying?Where is this hardship taking you spiritually?Maybe it feels like you're alone. Maybe Jesus doesn't seem to be carrying any of your burdens. Maybe you think that the reason you suffer is because he doesn't care about you.You are invited to meet Jesus and his strong, compassionate arms lightening your burdens. Take our video workshop entitled, Turn Your Crosses Into Resurrections. Through a daily series of short videos, you will not only feel Jesus ministering to you. You wi ...Continue Reading

You're invited to receive help in carrying your crosses

March 16th 2023 EDT

Dear Friend,What crosses are you carrying?Where is this hardship taking you spiritually?Maybe it feels like you're alone. Maybe Jesus doesn't seem to be carrying any of your burdens. Maybe you think that the reason you suffer is because he doesn't care about you.You are invited to meet Jesus and his strong, compassionate arms lightening your burdens. Take our video workshop entitled, Turn Your Crosses Into Resurrections. Through a daily series of short videos, you will not only feel Jesus ministering to you. You wi ...Continue Reading

You're invited to receive help in carrying your crosses

March 20th 2023 EDT

Dear Friend,What crosses are you carrying?Where is this hardship taking you spiritually?Maybe it feels like you're alone. Maybe Jesus doesn't seem to be carrying any of your burdens. Maybe you think that the reason you suffer is because he doesn't care about you.You are invited to meet Jesus and his strong, compassionate arms lightening your burdens. Take our video workshop entitled, Turn Your Crosses Into Resurrections. Through a daily series of short videos, you will not only feel Jesus ministering to you. You wi ...Continue Reading

You're invited to receive help in carrying your crosses

March 23rd 2023 EDT

Dear Friend,What crosses are you carrying?Where is this hardship taking you spiritually?Maybe it feels like you're alone. Maybe Jesus doesn't seem to be carrying any of your burdens. Maybe you think that the reason you suffer is because he doesn't care about you.You are invited to meet Jesus and his strong, compassionate arms lightening your burdens. Take our video workshop entitled, Turn Your Crosses Into Resurrections. Through a daily series of short videos, you will not only feel Jesus ministering to you. You wi ...Continue Reading

You're invited to receive help in carrying your crosses

March 27th 2023 EDT

Dear Friend,What crosses are you carrying?Where is this hardship taking you spiritually?Maybe it feels like you're alone. Maybe Jesus doesn't seem to be carrying any of your burdens. Maybe you think that the reason you suffer is because he doesn't care about you.You are invited to meet Jesus and his strong, compassionate arms lightening your burdens. Take our video workshop entitled, Turn Your Crosses Into Resurrections. Through a daily series of short videos, you will not only feel Jesus ministering to you. You wi ...Continue Reading

Turn Your Crosses into Resurrections - Session #1

March 28th 2023 EDT

Session 1: Meet Jesus in the Garden of GethsemaneThe crosses we’re carrying include unhealthy relationships, broken marriages, disunity in the family, the greed and narcissism and moral relativism around us, standing up for the truth, being misunderstood and misjudged, being falsely accused, abuses by an ex-spouse, and the unjustified anger of a son or daughter.Many of our crosses are concerns about others: adult children who have separated themselves from the Church and even from Christ, grandchildren who are being rai ...Continue Reading

Turn Your Crosses into Resurrections - Session #2

March 29th 2023 EDT

Session 2: How to Know Which Crosses to CarryWatch the video.Question for class discussion: What stands out to you as the most important points of Sessions #1 and #2? Why?God bless you!Missed previous sessions? You can also find the videos in our Paracletia ministry. Click here for this course.See more faith-building resources for Lent on our WordBytes site.Are you getting faith-building Lenten reflections for the readings of Holy Mass? See the Good News Reflection for today.This event is provided by Good News Ministrie ...Continue Reading

Turn Your Crosses into Resurrections - Session #3

March 30th 2023 EDT

Session 3: Leaving the Garden of Decision to Be ScourgedWatch the video.And then listen to this prayer meditation, reflecting on the ways that we have scourged Jesus. After thinking of the ways that others have scourged you, this will unite you to Jesus’ passion, and healing will begin. CLICK HERE.God bless you!Missed previous sessions? You can also find the videos in our Paracletia ministry. Click here for this course.See more faith-building resources for Lent on our WordBytes site.Are you getting faith-building Lenten ...Continue Reading

Turn Your Crosses into Resurrections - Session #4

March 31st 2023 EDT

Session 4: How to Heal from the Pain of Being ScourgedWatch the video.Question for group discussion:Imagine during prayer time with Jesus: What might be some of the good fruits that are going to come from what you’ve suffered? How does this help you heal?God bless you!Missed previous sessions? You can also find the videos in our Paracletia ministry. Click here for this course.See more faith-building resources for Lent on our WordBytes site.Are you getting faith-building Lenten reflections for the readings of Holy Mass? ...Continue Reading